Harvard Commission on Disabilities Meeting Minutes 8/25/21 Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 867 7481 2885 Passcode: 324802 Called to Order at 1:00 pm by Davida Bagatelle Present: Davida Bagatelle, Toni Spacciapoli, and Jim Mazek and Mike Kennedy from Center for Living and Working Current Business Met with ADA consultants from Center for Living and Working to discuss Massachusetts Office on Disabilities grant proposal for Town Transition Plan and Self-Evaluation Plan * Discussion related to the contents of Transition Plan and the scope of these plans * Discussion related to the extensiveness of the work conducted by the Center for Living and Working. They explained their process in developing ADA plans and corrective actions for the town. Areas include: new construction as well as existing buildings; common areas; center of town; playgrounds; accessibility walk-thrus; assisted communication devices; town website. * Determination that the current plan is not a comprehensive Transition Plan * Consultants shared the scope of their services. * Recommendation to add to the narrative for MOD planning grant verbiage relating to the lack of scope of current Transition Plan and Self-Evaluation. Next Steps * Forward a copy of Transition Plan and Self-Evaluation to Center for Living and Working * Review list of town-owned buildings open spaces opened to public * Davida Bagatelle will contact Harvard Cable TV regarding public access to building Next Meeting Date: September 15, 2021 4:00 PM ADJOURNMENT- Motion to adjourn at 2:06 PM Respectfully submitted, Toni Spacciapoli, Commission Secretary