Public Hearing Concerns & Answers: May 11, 2017

The questions below are based on questions raised or comments made and re-phrased into questions from the Commission’s public hearing and are taken from our minutes.  They are organized by hearing (not topic) so that, if interested, one can go back to the minutes and read the context.

  1. Will the Select Board have to oversee every new hire?
    1. The hiring function will primarily be under the Town Administrator and department heads.  For department heads, the Select Board will need to approve the hire.
  2. What is the process for how bylaws are going to be updated?
    1. The Charter does not spell out how this process will take place only that within 45 days after the adoption of the Charter, the Moderator shall appoint a committee to review the existing by-laws for compliance with the Charter.
  3. How does the new executive structure address questions of responsibility and communication?
    1. The Charter in its Preamble recognizes civility and calls for volunteerism as necessary to support the Town of Harvard.  By clarifying Executive function for the Select Board, we hope to improve communication between boards and clarify responsibilities, creating higher job satisfaction.
  4. Have the Commissioners easily come to consensus?
    1. The commissioners have had many thoughtful and frank discussions on every aspect of this document.  There is nothing in this document that was not critically evaluated and consensus reached.
  5. How will the charter solve the “frustration” of volunteers who feel that their committees and work are not supported?
    1. By clarifying Executive function for the Select Board, we hope to improve communication between boards and clarify responsibilities, creating higher job satisfaction.  The Select Board is responsible for the town Vision, Planning, and Budget. Boards and committees will be charged with carrying out policies to support this Strategic Plan.
  6. How will volunteers be recruited?
    1. As a primary responsibility of the Select Board, volunteers must represent a cross-section of town.  The Charter Preamble notes “inclusionary procedure ensure(s) all voices are heard and all citizens are emboldened to contribute to Harvard’s governance and community spirit.”  The Charter does not specifically address the method(s) for recruiting volunteers.