Transportation Planning

This page will host all of the transportation-related projects in the Town of Harvard, either providing original content or linking to external projects or sites of interest or relevance. Topical areas will include streets and roads, traffic, bicycle and pedestrian facilities or routes, transit, and parking.

2022 Transportation News
Updated April 12, 2022


  • UPDATED: Old Mill Trail Connection to Devens - The project page for the proposed trail connection between Harvard and Devens via the Old Mill Road terminus is HERE.
  • TRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE - The Planning Board, in collaboration with the Transportation Advisory Committee and the Community Resilience Working Group, has contracted with the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) to undertake an update the the Town's 2016 Master Plan Traffic and Circulation Chapter. This is essentially the transportation plan for Harvard. We expect to hold several public meetings as a part of this project and have other opportunities for public participation. If you are interested in participating or learning more, please return to this page regularly for updates and feel free to contact Chris Ryan at anytime.The project end date is scheduled for April 2022 so there is still time to get your comments in. The project page is located HERE.
  • UPDATED - AYER ROAD TIP PROJECT - The Ayer Road TIP project is currently at the 25% design stage. The Town and its engineering consultant TEC has submitted the detailed plan to MassDOT for comments and these comments have been recently received. MassDOT hosted a Public Hearing on the 25% design on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 and was attended by over 30 people. The presentation given by MassDOT can be found HERE and the transcript for the meeting will be uploaded as soon as it is received. The Ayer Road TIP Project Page is HERE.