3/7/23: Upcoming NABH Rabies Clinics

The Nashoba Associated Boards of Health (NABH), in partnership with the Harvard Board of Health, will be offering a series of rabies vaccine clinics for cats and dogs in our region, from late March into April. Residents of Nashoba's 16-town region and the community of Devens may attend any of the clinics. We are grateful for the support of participating veterinarians to provide this important service.

Rabies immunization for dogs and cats over six (6) months of age, not previously immunized, and those with a red heart (2020) rabies tag are due for rabies immunization.  Please bring your dogs on leashes, and cats in carrier boxes.  Please also bring a copy of your pet's last rabies vaccination certificate if you have it.

Please click here to see NABH's schedule of all clinic times and locations, as well as which methods of payment will be accepted at each clinic.  Thank you!