Public Hearing Concerns & Answers: November 17, 2016

The questions below are based on questions raised or comments made and re-phrased into questions from the Commissions public hearings and are taken from our minutes.  They are organized by hearing (not topic) so that, if interested, one can go back to the minutes and read the context.

  1. Does the Charter identify which board/committee is responsible for stewardship of the town owned and managed lands?  (Issue – all the overlapping responsibilities, associated inefficiencies, and conflicts over managing the town land (e.g., beach & Common).)  
    1. The Select Board’s appointment of the Town’s land use boards will facilitate the coordination and maintenance of Town-owned lands.
  2. How is facilities management addressed in the Charter?
    1. A Facilities Manager will be responsible for the maintenance of general government facilities.  The Charter allows for the School Committee to include the schools in the annual repair and maintenance program.  The Facilities Manager reports to the Town Administrator.
  3. What role will the Master Plan have under the Charter?
    1. The Select Board will be charged with using the 10-Year Master Plan, the Finance Committee 5-Year Projection, and the Capital Plan from Capital Planning and Investment Committee in creating the Strategic Plan for the Town.
  4. How does the Charter address stewardship of town buildings?
    1. The School Committee and Board of Library Trustees would continue to be responsible for the stewardship of their buildings.  The Facilities Manager would be responsible for the remaining Town buildings.
  5. Does the Charter clarify how Memorandums of Understanding are recorded, implemented, & dissolved?
    1. This would be addressed in the Town’s general bylaws and policies and procedures, rather than the Charter document.
  6. How will the budget be prepared under the Charter?  
    1. See Article 6 of Charter.  The Select Board is responsible (with the Town Administrator’s assistance) for preparing the Annual Town Budget with requests from all boards, committees, and town departments.
  7. What will the Finance Committee’s role be?
    1. The Finance Committee is to provide a detailed review with recommendations to the Select Board, as appropriate.
  8. Is it logical to have an appointed board review budgets of elected boards? (Issue – budget review responsibilities.)
    1. Yes. Finance Committee is the financial advisor to Annual Town Meeting on budget questions.
  9. Who is responsible for the overall and long term financial picture of the town?
    1. Select Board is the entity responsible for Strategic Planning and the Budget.